Here's a quick rundown of some sites I am aware of:
Botcast Network is the home page for all my offerings. It is an amalgation of various botcasts and rebotcasts, ranging from
newspaper feeds, to
news magazines, to
full books, to
blogs to
Talkr is a service offered by Chris Brooks, who used to live not far away from me in Southern New Hampshire. We both marvelled at this coincidence over lunch, before he left the country.
@LL Robot Radio is an ambitious project offerred by a hip sounding dude in what I imagine to be San Francisco, but probably is not. We have corresponded, and have loose plans to get our robots together sometime, for some kind of meetup mashup mashup.
RSS DJ is another ambitious project, that is attempting to be a "mix your own" site for putting together rebotcasts (although he does not use that term). It's got an air of youth and hipness about it, although so far, I find the site a bit confusing.
So, we have two main categories,
- pre-digested, pre-constructed content and (Botcast Netowork, @All Robot Radio)
- online services for setting up your own content (Talkr, RSS DJ)
There are other ways we can classify these systems. For intance, some, like Botcast Network, and RSS DJ, use performance art techniques, while the others prefer not to venture into silly territory.
Out of the whole group, I'd say that the Botcast Network is the most eclectic. I've got performance, I've got magazines, I've got bloggers, and I've got books (War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, etc). However, I must say that @All Robot Radio is pretty darn eclectic, in his own oddball way.
Anyway, that's the lay of the land, for now.